Sophos News

BETA Up2Date 7.386 Released

This BETA Up2Date contains fixes for the BETA 7.4 release, and contains a new French translation of WebAdmin, as well as three small fixes for HTTP Proxy, SNMP and bootup order of programs.

Participate in the Beta Program
Your feedback is important to us, and we’ll reward testers with a chance at Amazon Gift Certificates, special 25 IP home-user licenses, and of course the opportunity to contribute to 7.4’s success. Beta V7.386 is available as an Up2date for existing Beta testers, however see our previous postings for how to Up2Date from Version 7.305 to 7.380 to begin testing without the need to install from a dedicated Beta ISO image. (These are however available for your Astaro software or hardware appliance.)

Download Information
Download via our main FTP site or any of our mirrors such as 7.386 (Up2Date for all Existing Beta Testers) ———— MD5sum: 466d9c8b9cf9bb1df970fcd60356e227 Size: 18260267 bytes

V7.400 Beta Program Details
For full details about the 7.400 Beta, please see our initial announcement here, and we’d like to encourage all testers to report their experiences at our Beta Forums.

An Important Word about BETA Releases
While we realize many features of the upcoming 7.400 are things you may be eagerly awaiting, and we do love to have as many users and installations as possible testing and providing feedback, in environments where uptime is crucial, note that Beta releases can contain severe bugs and otherwise cause operational concerns, and are not indicators of the final quality and stability of a General release. All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! Your Astaro R&D team