Sophos News

ASG ISO 6.202 released

The ISO image of ASG V6.202 was released. It includes all previous Up2Date packages. Version 6.202 of Astaro Security Gateway includes as usual a 7 day test license and you can request a free home use license at

The manual for ASG V6 is available on our knowledge base. A hardware compatibility list and a Known Issues List for the ASG V6 are available at: knowlegde base

Download Information

size: 375 MB (375,601,152 Byte) 
md5sum: f5c198f4a5eace5ac724681db8fc1c5e
FTP server: * Germany * Germany 2 * US * US 2 * Australian Mirror * Austria Mirror * Japanese Mirror
HTTP server: * Germany * Germany 2 * US * US 2 * Australian Mirror * Austria Mirror * Japanese Mirror
BitTorrent: *

(If you are not familiar with BitTorrent, please check out this detailed description: Search for "how to burn" on our Knowledge Base if you have trouble to burn a CD from the ISO image.

HW requirements

Astaro minimum recommendation for V6 installations:

Best performance results running on:

For testing purpose you can also use our Virtual Appliance.


Feedback, problem reports and comments should be posted on our User Bulletin Board in the. Please take care to add always(!) the version you refer to (e.g. "[6.202] missing comma in SIP Proxy online help").

Your Astaro R&D team