Sophos News

ASG Up2Date 6.202 released [Middle]

This Up2Date improves the support for the upcoming Astaro Command Center V1, fixes some vulnerabilities in the anti virus scan engine ClamAV and tunes the anti spam engine to improve the detection rate. It also fixes six minor bugs form the Known Issue List (

We added also a new button, to allow administrators to disable complex local passwords (sorry, we needed it for the Common Criteria Certification…).

The new button Force complex passwords: is under System>>User Authentication. This Up2Date includes VMware tools which are used by the new Astaro Virtual Appliance. Install this Up2Date if you use the ClamAV anti virus scanner or when you plan to monitor or manage your ASG V6 device with ACC.

Up2Date 6.202




(please refer to the known issue list on
ID2844 PPPoA connections may not reconnect correctly
ID2935 SNMPd loses track of interface indexes
ID3409 IPSec Client config includes wrong lifetimes
ID3722 Squid localhost ACL uses static destination port
ID3759 Duplicate packetfilter rules in backend
ID3766 Flood-Protection log-limit-burst is not set correctly

Download Information

All Up2Dates are GNUPG-signed! The Astaro Up2Date technology makes it easy to upgrade your installed Astaro Security Linux to the latest version. There are three ways to apply an Up2Date package to the system:

  1. Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to "System -> Up2Date Service" and start a "Update now" in "System Up2Date. An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date process and the System Administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.
  2. Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to "System -> Up2Date Service" and enable "Prefetch Up2dates". The System Administrator will receive a Notification email after an Up2Date package has been succesfully fetched and can install the Up2Date by clicking "[install]" on the now available menu item "Unapplied Up2Dates". An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date installation and the System administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.
  3. Download the Up2Date package from our HTTP or FTP Server:
    (MD5sum: bf3ead564a7fe25eb4588ab5cc62ab52 Size : 42,784,055 bytes)
    HTTP: Astaro USAstaro US2Astaro GermanyAstaro Germany2Australian MirrorAustria MirrorJapanese Mirror
    FTP: Astaro USAstaro US2Astaro GermanyAstaro Germany2Australian MirrorAustria MirrorJapanese Mirror
    Log on to WebAdmin, navigate to "System -> Up2Date Service", start "Import from file" and import the downloaded Up2Date package. After a successful upload click "[install]" on the now available menu item "Unapplied Up2Dates". An extra browser window will show the progress of the Up2Date installation and the System Administrator will receive a notification email once the Up2Date process has finished successfully.

To install Astaro Security Gateway, you need the installation ISO image, available on our download page.