Astaro Security Linux 1.795

Astaro Security Linux 1.795 is now available for downloading from . All known problems have been fixed, except a few of minimal impact. If no further problems of major impact come up, this version will be equal to the final 1.8 release.

Astaro Security Linux 1.795 is now available for downloading from . All known problems have been fixed, except a few of minimal impact. If no further problems of major impact come up, this version will be equal to the final 1.8 release.

Evaluation copies of Astaro Security Linux 1.793 can be upgraded to 1.795 by backing up the configuration, installing the new software and re-importing the saved configuration in the section "System->Backup" of WebAdmin. (This export/import does not work if you are using the pre-defined RFC-xxx-networks.) We will provide Up2Dates to upgrade from 1.795 to 1.8.

If you want to upgrade from a 1.74x version to 1.795 (1.8) we offer to translate your backup-file. Therefore please send us an PGP-encrypted email to including the backup-file and your license-key.

New or updated/corrected features since 1.793

  • Source NAT: Translates the source IP address from a private (internal) IP address to a public (external) IP address and keeps a table of these translations.
  • Logfile cleaning: Logfiles are being removed, if the harddisk is running out of space.
  • Newest software: Newest versions of Linux, IPtables and FreeS/Wan have been integrated.
  • Known bugs have been fixed for the ICMP, VPN and DNAT functionality.
  • WebAdmin and the online help have been updated.

We decided to delay the release of PPPoE and DHCP because we were not able to complete the testing. The next release will include these functions.

Download Information

asl-1.795.iso : 131571712 bytes : md5sum 05aae03a099ac93b26e470bb6d3c3e65
asl-1.795.iso.gz : 45885881 bytes : md5sum bf4299c52e5f3327c9d760cc31184790

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