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Tuesday 6 January 2015
- GamerGate critic 'swatted', about 20 cops go to old address
- The New Year 2014/2015 #sophospuzzle – all the winners, and how to solve it!
- MIT sites defaced in lead-up to anniversary of Aaron Swartz's death
- Hacking group publishes Xbox One SDK, threatens to leak unreleased game builds
Wednesday 7 January 2015
- SSCC 180 – Surely zero-days come from cybercrooks, not from Silicon Valley? [PODCAST]
- Bitstamp loses $5 million in BTC after security breach, suspends service
- Gogo forges YouTube SSL certificate to throttle high-bandwith usage on flights
- FBI in tough competition for cybersecurity talent
- Moonpig takes down customer data-leaking apps after vulnerability found
- Facebook privacy policy change hoax: DON’T SPREAD THE FEAR!
Thursday 8 January 2015
- Internet of Things is a threat to privacy, says FTC
- "Goldmine for burglars" hole closed in Immobilise national property register
Friday 9 January 2015
- Microsoft discontinues Advance Notification Service, but why?
- Computer scientists "crack" poker
- Zappos data breach: settlement reached
- 'Sloppy' North Korean Sony attackers let their IP addresses slip, says FBI
- Yelp let off the hook after review-gaming complaints
- Thunderstrike – new Mac "ueberrootkit" could own your Apple forever
Saturday 10 January 2015
Sunday 11 January 2015
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