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Other “We’ll call you and give you a code you have to enter” type systems I’ve interacted with won’t leave a code on voice mail. To make sure, they say up front, “If you’re expecting this call, press 1” before giving out a code. Maybe WhatsApp could consider doing this.

Vigo has a sneaky answer for that in his material – hacking the voicemail and changing the outgoing message to send DTMF codes.

WhatsApp could prevent that working, by saying “If you’re expecting this call, press 376”, (with random digits, different every time).

Can one use a different phone number for 2 step authentication?

I don’t believe so. I went through the two-step verification setup while researching the story and there was no such option. If any other readers have different experiences, though, please let us know in the comments.

The scribd article is recent, but the link to the Israli government’s findings on their site is from 2017. Where was this discovered now?

The reason that CERT-IL reported the issue this month is because it has seen several attacks arise recently using this technique and wanted to let its citizens know. The alert mentions these attacks specifically.

Is their anyway to recover my FB acct. It does not recognise my phone #
Email yea my voice mail pin is hacked also. My friends can still see my acct

Make a new FB page…..FB is easily hacked and may not be recovered. Remember,FB is NOT there for you.

What do you do if you get hijacked? WhatsApp support hasn’t responded or deactivated my account

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